~* HE'S HERE!!!*~
Landry Cristhian was born Friday, March 28, 2014 at 1:17pm. Weighing in at 8lbs 7oz and 21 inches long. He's PERFECT and we are enamored.
~* Thirty Four Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Thirty Four Weeks
Total weight gain: 29-30lbs total
Stretch marks: If there are any they are faint and I can't really tell
Sleep: It's very hard to come by
Best moment this week: hearing that my cervix is 50% effaced
Miss anything: sleep and not feeling sore, everything aches
Movement: Kicks are few and far between now, its more like rolling, waving motions, it's so cool.
Food cravings: nothing in particular
Anything make you sick or queasy: tamiflu (Cris has the flu and I was put on tamiflu as a preventative)
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: Just Braxton Hicks, so nothing out of the ordinary
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, heartburn, moving a lot slower, a lot pain in my hands, wrists, left elbow, and feet, and now in my right knee. VERY SWOLLEN feet and ankles
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Total nubbin' status
Wedding rings on or off: Off! I could force them on, but I don't want them to get stuck so I choose not to wear them.
~* Thirty Three Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Thirty Three Weeks
Total weight gain: 27lbs total
Stretch marks: If there are any they are faint and I can't really tell
Sleep: Not well...its harder every night I swear
Best moment this week: Kings of Leon concert in Philadelphia, PA with my best friend, his brother, and my husband
Miss anything: I being pain-free...everything seems to ache and hurt these days
Movement: Kicks are few and far between now, its more like rolling, waving motions, it's so cool
Food cravings: Anything salty but trying to stay away from salt as I'm retaining water like a camel
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope not really
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: Just Braxton Hicks, so nothing out of the oridinary
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, heartburn, moving a lot slower, a lot pain in my hands, wrists, left elbow, and feet
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: Off! I could force them on, but I don't want them to get stuck so I choose not to wear them.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Really happy!
Looking forward to: hearing if my platelets are stable
~* Thirty Two Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Thirty Two Weeks
Total weight gain: my weight keeps fluctuating but its steadily increasing...I'm between 134-136lbs, so that's a total of 26lbs so far
Stretch marks: If there are any they are faint and I can't really tell
Sleep: What's that? Honestly...I pee 5-7x a night
Best moment this week: Seeing baby Landry at the growth scan, he's so cute!
Miss anything: I miss warm weather, not feeling short of breath all the time and having normal size feet, unfortunately they have started to swell :(
Movement: He has more noticeable sleep patterns now-a-days
Food cravings: Anything salty but trying to stay away from salt as I'm retaining water like a camel
Anything make you sick or queasy: I had an english muffin with strawberry cream cheese the other day I felt a little sick after I ate that. Other than that, nothing really.
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: Not that I knew of, but my doctor told me otherwise! I had a non-stress test done where the baby's movement and my contractions were being monitored. Apparently I having A LOT of contractions. I only felt a few. But since then they have been less frequent.
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, heartburn, moving a lot slower, a lot pain in my hands, wrists, left elbow, and feet
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: Off! I could force them on, but I don't want them to get stuck so I choose not to wear them.
~* Thirty One Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Thirty One Weeks
Total weight gain: my weight keeps fluctuating but its steadily increasing...I'm between 133-135lbs, so that's a total of 25lbs so far
Stretch marks: If there are any they are faint and I can't really tell
Sleep: What's that? Honestly...I pee 5-7x a night
Best moment this week: My baby shower!
Miss anything: I miss not feeling short of breath all the time
Movement: He has more noticeable sleep patterns now-a-days
Food cravings: I still crave hoagies...and always need something sweet at the end of a meal
Anything make you sick or queasy: In the morning one day I felt a little nauseated out of nowhere, but other than that, I've been good.
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No, but still feeling Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, heartburn, moving a lot slower, starting to feel pain in my hands, wrists, left elbow, and feet
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: Off! I could force them on, but I don't want them to get stuck so I choose not to wear them.
~* Thirty Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Thirty Weeks
Total weight gain: my weight keeps fluctuating but its steadily increasing
Stretch marks: If there are any they are faint and I can't really tell
Sleep: What's that? Honestly...I pee 5-7x a night
Best moment this week: I had a conversation with the baby as I was driving into work and I said, "Landry, do you know how cute you are?" and he answered with a kick haha
Miss anything: I miss not feeling short of breath all the time
Movement: He has more noticeable sleep patterns now-a-days
Food cravings: I still crave hoagies...
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No, but still feeling Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, heartburn, moving a lot slower
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: Off! I could force them on, but I don't want them to get stuck so I choose not to wear them.
~* Twenty Nine Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty Nine Weeks
Total weight gain: my weight keeps fluctuating between 18-20.5lbs
Stretch marks: If there are any they are faint and I can't really tell
Sleep: What's that? Honestly...I pee 5-7x a night
Best moment this week: Just soaking up time with Cristhian. He's the most wonderful husband that ever existed.
Miss anything: I miss not feeling short of breath all the time
Movement: He has more noticeable sleep patterns now-a-days
Food cravings: I still crave hoagies...
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No, but still feeling Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Heartburn, Braxton Hicks, Hip Pain while I "try" to sleep
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: My engagement ring still fits fine, but my wedding band is at the point where I don't feel like risking getting it stuck. So I won't be wearing it after this week
~* Twenty Eight Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty Eight Weeks
Total weight gain: fluctating between 17-20lbs
Stretch marks: If there are any they are faint and I can't really tell
Sleep: What's that?
Best moment this week: Getting information about a child dedication service (it's like baptism/christening but involves the entire family)
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7, and I miss just not feeling like myself overall.
Movement: All the time, and just started "kick counting" during the evenings.
Food cravings: I still crave hoagies...
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No, but still feeling Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Heartburn, Braxton Hicks, Hip Pain while I sleep
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: On but getting tight!
~* Twenty Seven Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty Seven Weeks
Total weight gain: 15lbs
Stretch marks: If there are any they are faint and I can't really tell
Sleep: I pee about 5-8 times a night, so....yeah.
Best moment this week: Passing my gestational diabetes test and officially being in my 3rd trimester
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: Still is the best feeling ever and will never stop amazing me. I love to guess which body part I'm being poked with haha
Food cravings: Nothing crazy but I still like sweets :)
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No, but still feeling Braxton Hicks
Symptoms: Insomnia, Heartburn, Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: On
~* Twenty Six Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty Six Weeks
Total weight gain: 15lbs
Stretch marks: I don't know really, I have these faint horizontal lines and I truly think they were there from before I was pregnant but I can't tell lol
Sleep: I sleep when I can...I haven't slept straight through the night in forever so it's nothing new
Best moment this week: Celebrating my anniversary at our favorite restaurant
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: He used to kick the most when I lay on my left side, now its the opposite, he kicks a ton when I lay on my right
Food cravings: Nothing crazy but I still like sweets :)
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No, but felt my first Braxton Hicks contractions
Symptoms: Insomnia, Heartburn, Braxton Hicks
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
How far along: Twenty Five Weeks
Total weight gain: 14lbs
Stretch marks: I don't know really, I have these faint horizontal lines and I truly think they were there from before I was pregnant but I can't tell lol
Sleep: I sleep when I can...I haven't slept straight through the night in forever so it's nothing new
Best moment this week: Christmas!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: It varies day to day, sometimes he's super active, sometimes he's super chill
Food cravings: Nothing crazy
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Random nose bleeds, mild heart burn, a few bouts of RLP
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: On
~* Twenty Four Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty Four Weeks
Total weight gain: 13lbs
Stretch marks: I believe I can see very faint ones, but I'm not sure yet
Sleep: Good, considering I toss and turn all night lol
Best moment this week: The Fetal Echo appointment, it went awesome and got awesome 3D pictures!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7, stretching my abdomen, I can't wait for a nice long stretch
Movement: He's most active when I get home from work and can lay back and relax
Food cravings: Sweets still, cookies and milk!
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Very very dry nasal passages, anytime I blow my nose it's always bloody...could be from the cold dry air as well. Bleeding gums when I brush and floss. And mild heartburn after eating.
Belly Button in or out: It popped! Well the top part did anyway...
Wedding rings on or off: On
~* Twenty Three Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty Three Weeks
Total weight gain: 12.5lbs
Stretch marks: I believe I can see very faint ones, but I'm not sure yet
Sleep: Not terrible this week, I still toss and turn all night but that's as expected
Sleep: Not terrible this week, I still toss and turn all night but that's as expected
Best moment this week: Cris's face everytime he feels the baby kicking
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: He's most active when I get home from work and can lay back and relax
Food cravings: Sweets! Picking up ingredients to make oreo truffles tonight. I feel fat just thinking about how many I'm going to eat haha
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Very very dry nasal passages, anytime I blow my nose it's always bloody...could be from the cold dry air as well. Bleeding gums when I brush and floss. And mild heartburn after eating.
Belly Button in or out: In but I can tell, by the end of this I will have an outtie!
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
~* Twenty Two Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty Two Weeks
Total weight gain: 11lbs
Stretch marks: I believe I can see very faint ones, but I'm not sure yet
Sleep: Not terrible this week
Best moment this week: My mom felt the baby kick!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: Getting stronger and I love it
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: INTENSE, SCARY Round Ligament Pain, enough I called the doctors. I thought I was having contractions, but doc said its the inside of my uterus stretching...one word, OUCH!
Belly Button in or out: In but I can tell, by the end of this I will have an outtie!
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
~* Twenty one Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty one Weeks
Total weight gain: 9.5lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil and Organic Coconut Oil
Sleep: Ehhhh, could be better, back pain is setting in
Best moment this week: Baby's movement
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: Getting stronger and I love it
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: More RLP but also upper back pain on the left side.
Belly Button in or out: In, not sure for how much longer though
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Prenatal Massage!!!
How far along: Twenty one Weeks
Total weight gain: 9.5lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil and Organic Coconut Oil
Sleep: Ehhhh, could be better, back pain is setting in
Sleep: Ehhhh, could be better, back pain is setting in
Best moment this week: Baby's movement
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: Getting stronger and I love it
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: More RLP but also upper back pain on the left side.
Belly Button in or out: In, not sure for how much longer though
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Prenatal Massage!!!
~* Twenty Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twenty Weeks
Total weight gain: 8.5lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil and Organic Coconut Oil
Sleep: Not terrible
Best moment this week: My best friend had her daughter 11/18 (3 weeks early), she's absolutely perfect <3 and my 20 week ultrasound, Baby Lara is measuring perfectly and he's so cute I just love him so much!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: Getting stronger and I love it
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: RLP...scary RLP, the kind where it takes your breath away for a few seconds
Belly Button in or out: In, not sure for how much longer though
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
How far along: Twenty Weeks
Total weight gain: 8.5lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil and Organic Coconut Oil
Sleep: Not terrible
Best moment this week: My best friend had her daughter 11/18 (3 weeks early), she's absolutely perfect <3 and my 20 week ultrasound, Baby Lara is measuring perfectly and he's so cute I just love him so much!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: Getting stronger and I love it
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: RLP...scary RLP, the kind where it takes your breath away for a few seconds
Belly Button in or out: In, not sure for how much longer though
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
~* Nineteen Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Nineteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 7.5lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: It's been better than the previous weeks! Yay!
Best moment this week: At 19 weeks and 4 days around 4:00pm, I was sitting at my desk after just eating peanut-butter crackers and for a solid 10 minutes I could feel my little peanut moving and grooving, FROM THE OUTSIDE! It was the most amazing thing I could never describe!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: It's still inconsistent, but I can tell it's getting stronger. It's my favorite thing about pregnancy for sure
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: This week was very mild, no symptoms really
Belly Button in or out: In, not sure for how much longer though
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: my 20 week ultrasound in a few days so I can see my baby!
**forgot to take a picture this week, woops, pregnancy brain!
How far along: Nineteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 7.5lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: It's been better than the previous weeks! Yay!
Sleep: It's been better than the previous weeks! Yay!
Best moment this week: At 19 weeks and 4 days around 4:00pm, I was sitting at my desk after just eating peanut-butter crackers and for a solid 10 minutes I could feel my little peanut moving and grooving, FROM THE OUTSIDE! It was the most amazing thing I could never describe!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7
Movement: It's still inconsistent, but I can tell it's getting stronger. It's my favorite thing about pregnancy for sure
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: This week was very mild, no symptoms really
Belly Button in or out: In, not sure for how much longer though
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: my 20 week ultrasound in a few days so I can see my baby!
**forgot to take a picture this week, woops, pregnancy brain!
**forgot to take a picture this week, woops, pregnancy brain!
~* Eighteen Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Eighteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 5.5lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby judo chop me! Haha I love when he moves
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed and being able to slip on flip flops, putting shoes and socks on his hard!
Movement: On and off, can't wait until it's consistent!
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches sporadically and dry skin, not sleeping well
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: the 1/2 way mark, two more weeks to go!!!
I love that you can see Blitzen's paws in this picture below haha!
~* Seventeen Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Eighteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 5.5lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby judo chop me! Haha I love when he moves
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed and being able to slip on flip flops, putting shoes and socks on his hard!
Movement: On and off, can't wait until it's consistent!
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches sporadically and dry skin, not sleeping well
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: the 1/2 way mark, two more weeks to go!!!
I love that you can see Blitzen's paws in this picture below haha!
~* Seventeen Week Bumpdate*~
I love that you can see Blitzen's paws in this picture below haha!
~* Seventeen Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Seventeen Weeks
Total weight gain: 4lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Best moment this week: Meeting our nephew! Cris's sister had her baby boy, Braxtin, on 10/29/13
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: On and off, can't wait until it's consistent!
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches sporadically and dry skin
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
How far along: Seventeen Weeks
Total weight gain: 4lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Best moment this week: Meeting our nephew! Cris's sister had her baby boy, Braxtin, on 10/29/13
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: On and off, can't wait until it's consistent!
Food cravings: Not really
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches sporadically and dry skin
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
~* Sixteen Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Sixteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 3lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Best moment this week: Having an indepth ultrasound, making sure that everything with the placenta was okay. We got to see our son wiggling and moving, he was cracking us up!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: On and off, can't wait until it's consistent!
Food cravings: Cinnabuns still, chocolate
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches sporadically, dry skin, dry nose (think that's because the weather changed and its much cooler)
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
How far along: Sixteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 3lbs
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting VERY difficult
Best moment this week: Having an indepth ultrasound, making sure that everything with the placenta was okay. We got to see our son wiggling and moving, he was cracking us up!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: On and off, can't wait until it's consistent!
Food cravings: Cinnabuns still, chocolate
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches sporadically, dry skin, dry nose (think that's because the weather changed and its much cooler)
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
~* Fifteen Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: FifteenWeeks
Total weight gain: 2.5lbs so far
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting difficult
Best moment this week: Hearing his heartbeat on the Doppler at the doctors office
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: On and off, can't wait until it's consistent!
Food cravings: Cinnabuns
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches sporadically, dry skin, dry nose (think that's because the weather changed and its much cooler)
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Getting paint samples for the nursery
How far along: FifteenWeeks
Total weight gain: 2.5lbs so far
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting difficult
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...trying to sleep is getting difficult
Best moment this week: Hearing his heartbeat on the Doppler at the doctors office
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: On and off, can't wait until it's consistent!
Food cravings: Cinnabuns
Anything make you sick or queasy: Nope
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Headaches sporadically, dry skin, dry nose (think that's because the weather changed and its much cooler)
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Getting paint samples for the nursery
~* Fourteen Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Fourteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 2lbs so far
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Best moment this week: Seeing my baby via ultrasound and also being told by someone that they noticed my belly bump!!! Yay!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: Definitely! It's so insane! I feel little flicks, and every time I feel him/her move I fall in love over and over, it's the most amazing thing I have ever felt!!!
Food cravings: Nothing that I can think of
Anything make you sick or queasy: Bedtime apparently? Everytime before bed I'm feeling queasy again...no idea why it's back now that I'm in my 2nd trimester!
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: My night time nausea, had another bleed at 14 weeks and 2 days :(
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
How far along: Fourteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 2lbs so far
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Best moment this week: Seeing my baby via ultrasound and also being told by someone that they noticed my belly bump!!! Yay!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: Definitely! It's so insane! I feel little flicks, and every time I feel him/her move I fall in love over and over, it's the most amazing thing I have ever felt!!!
Food cravings: Nothing that I can think of
Anything make you sick or queasy: Bedtime apparently? Everytime before bed I'm feeling queasy again...no idea why it's back now that I'm in my 2nd trimester!
Gender: BOY! BOY! BOY! We found out at 14 weeks and 5 days! <3 So excited!!!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: My night time nausea, had another bleed at 14 weeks and 2 days :(
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
~* Thirteen Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Thirteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 1 1/2 lbs so far
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Best moment this week: A lot of things! Feeling the flicks of my baby moving! And also being told that everything looks okay at my follow up appointment! And a complete stranger, now friend, has offered to send me her doppler to borrow for this pregnancy! How unbelievably sweet?!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: Definitely! It's so insane! I feel little flicks, and every time I feel him/her move I fall in love over and over, it's the most amazing thing I have ever felt!!!
Food cravings: Nothing that I can think of
Anything make you sick or queasy: Not really, but meat just isn't as appeasing at it once was (still)
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Weird ones...sneezing! A LOT! And heart palpitations...those are quite scary though usually harmless. Just feels like my heart skips a beat. My night time nausea was back for a few days, nothing major, but still icky.
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My best friends baby "sprinkle" that I'm hosting, she is having a little girl and I can't wait to celebrate!
~* Twelve Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twelve Weeks
How far along: Thirteen Weeks
Total weight gain: 1 1/2 lbs so far
Stretch marks: No, have been using BioOil every night
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Best moment this week: A lot of things! Feeling the flicks of my baby moving! And also being told that everything looks okay at my follow up appointment! And a complete stranger, now friend, has offered to send me her doppler to borrow for this pregnancy! How unbelievably sweet?!
Miss anything: Not having to wear big stupid pads 24/7 in preparation if there would be another bleed
Movement: Definitely! It's so insane! I feel little flicks, and every time I feel him/her move I fall in love over and over, it's the most amazing thing I have ever felt!!!
Food cravings: Nothing that I can think of
Anything make you sick or queasy: Not really, but meat just isn't as appeasing at it once was (still)
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Weird ones...sneezing! A LOT! And heart palpitations...those are quite scary though usually harmless. Just feels like my heart skips a beat. My night time nausea was back for a few days, nothing major, but still icky.
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My best friends baby "sprinkle" that I'm hosting, she is having a little girl and I can't wait to celebrate!
~* Twelve Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twelve Weeks
~* Twelve Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Twelve Weeks
Total weight gain: Holding at 109.5 for about 2 weeks, so only 1.5lbs so far
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Best moment this week: Having my sequential screening done, everything looked perfect and Cris got to see our baby for the first time!
Miss anything: Not really anything I can think of...
Movement: Definitely! It's so insane! I feel little flicks, and every time I feel him/her move I fall in love over and over, it's the most amazing thing I have ever felt!!!
Food cravings: Cris's mothers potato salad
Anything make you sick or queasy: Not really, but meat just isn't as appeasing at it once was
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Had a horrifying random bleed at 12 weeks and 3 days, was in the ER, but all is good with me and baby
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Total weight gain: Holding at 109.5 for about 2 weeks, so only 1.5lbs so far
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Sleep: Still tossing and turning...
Best moment this week: Having my sequential screening done, everything looked perfect and Cris got to see our baby for the first time!
Miss anything: Not really anything I can think of...
Movement: Definitely! It's so insane! I feel little flicks, and every time I feel him/her move I fall in love over and over, it's the most amazing thing I have ever felt!!!
Food cravings: Cris's mothers potato salad
Anything make you sick or queasy: Not really, but meat just isn't as appeasing at it once was
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Had a horrifying random bleed at 12 weeks and 3 days, was in the ER, but all is good with me and baby
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
~* Eleven Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Eleven Weeks
Total weight gain: 109.5 so I've gained a total of 1.5lbs
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: I haven't been sleeping well, just tossing and turning a lot
Best moment this week: Seeing my baby move on a ultrasound at 11 weeks and 5 days
Miss anything: not that I can think of
Movement: Yes! Feels like popcorn popping sporadically! So awesome
Food cravings: Ham! And my mom made a spiral bone-in ham in the crock pot with mashed potatoes, omg it was nothing short of amazing! I love you mom!
Anything make you sick or queasy: Not really, my nausea has subsided this week
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: A bit of dizziness if I stand for too long or get up too fast
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My sequential screening ultrasound next week!
~* Ten Week Bumpdate*~
How far along: Ten Weeks
Total weight gain: Lost more weight...down to 108lbs...we knew this would happen when I stopped the dexamethasone.
Stretch marks: Nope, but I think I might be seeing the beginning of linea nigra! What da?
Sleep: I still love napping!
Best moment this week: Stopping that disgusting progesterone vaginal suppository!
Miss anything: I still really want a hoagie!
Movement: My friend asked me if I felt the baby move and I thought she was joking. But she said she felt her 2nd baby at 9 weeks, that it feels like bubbles. And I'm being 100% honest, I felt bubbles on my left side, two separate times! I'm not completely sure if it was my baby or not, but I'm just going to believe it was, because it makes me so happy!
Food cravings: Ham!
Anything make you sick or queasy: I want NOTHING to do with hamburger meat!
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy!
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Fatigue, night time nausea, a little bit of acne, really dry skin on my face, a bit of dizziness if I stand for too long or get up too fast, a lot more mucus (boogies), especially in the morning
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: A quiet weekend when I don't have a lot to do!
~*Week Nine Bumpdate*~
How far along: Nine Weeks
Total weight gain: Holding steady at 110lbs
Stretch marks: No, actually, I think I have some already from when I was younger?
Sleep: I have been having crazy dreams! My favorite was when I was playing with a baby elephant!
Best moment this week: My doctors appointment where I was able to see and hear the heartbeat again, and the baby looks like like a little gummi-bear now!
Miss anything: I really think I would enjoy a hoagie!
Movement: No
Food cravings: Haribo Gummy Bears...green is my favey!
Anything make you sick or queasy: Just comes in waves and it's usually smells that set it off
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Fatigue, night time nausea, and mildly sore boobies, a little bit of acne of my chest, really dry skin on my face, and HEADACHES :(
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Labor Day Weekend and seeing all of my friends and family!
~*Week Eight Bumpdate*~
How far along: Eight weeks
Total weight gain: Down 2lbs back to 110lbs, I believe because I stopped taking the dexamethosone steroid
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: I have been sleeping so hard, I feel achy when I wake up
Best moment this week: The days when I woke up feeling great with a lot of energy
Miss anything: Having an appetite
Movement: No
Food cravings: Nothing sounds appetizing lately
Anything make you sick or queasy: Pretty much everything! The smallest whiff of anything can make me feel nauseated
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Fatigue, night time nausea, and mildly sore boobies, a little bit of acne of my chest, dry skin on my forehead, and HEADACHES :(
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody but probably because of the headaches
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound which is Thursday! Just 3 days away!
~*Week Seven Bumpdate*~
How far along: Seven weeks
Total weight gain: 2lbs (starting at 110lbs), currently 112lbs
Stretch marks: No
Sleep: I have been sleeping so much!
Best moment this week: Taking my very last dexamethason tablet
Miss anything: Coffee
Movement: No
Food cravings: Still craving salty foods
Anything make you sick or queasy: Omg yes! Cris came home with meat pies and I tried taking a bite and it instantly made me feel like I was going to throw up. But a few hours later he ate another one and the smell of it sent me running into another room. Ugh, I never want to see a meat pie for as long as I live!
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Fatigue, mild nausea, and mildly sore boobies, a little bit of small acne like bumps on my left boob
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody but probably because I'm so tired
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound which seems like forever away!

~*Week Six Bumpdate*~
How far along: Six weeks
Total weight gain: Zero (starting at 110lbs)
Stretch marks: Um...there better not be!
Sleep: I can't seem to get enough! I love naps and I have been sleeping like a rock throughout the night.
Best moment this week: Hearing and seeing my baby's heart beating!
Miss anything: Coffee
Movement: Nope, it's way too early!
Food cravings: Anything salty, but movie popcorn has been high on that list
Anything make you sick or queasy: I ate 3 EL Fudge cookies and a large glass of milk and I thought I was gonna puke but that feeling went away after about 10 minutes. I think I just chugged the cold milk too fast!
Gender: I still think I'm going to have a boy
Labor signs: No
Symptoms: Fatigue and mildly sore boobies
Belly Button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody (sorry Cris!)
Looking forward to: My next ultrasound which seems like forever away!

Thanks for doing these blogs. Glad you are all in good health.
Thank you Helena! Same to you! xo