Okay...so I'm going to keep a diary here of how I'm feeling and if I think the oils are working. You know, of course it's perfect timing for me to catch a cold, with Landry's birthday party being 5 days away. Can you sense my sarcasm?
Okay so Sunday night (March 22nd) I felt WIPED. Not sick. Just exhausted and worn out. So I went to bed really early, around 8:45PM and I think I dozed off for about 20 minutes or so when I woke up and felt the sickness starting. You know that feeling...it's like the feeling of "drainage" from your nose down the back of your throat. Ugh...gross. Well, this is usually the sign that I'm about to develop a sinus infection. And I know for a fact that I was exposed to two different people this past weekend that had a sinus infection. One of them was treated with antibiotics. So I wanted to try the all natural route and see how it goes. (Side note, I'm very prone to sinus infections and strep throat for some reason, no idea why, but I have been this way my entire life).
So when I woke up with that feeling I knew this was my chance to attack it while it's it in it's beginning stages which I think is important when combatting any infection/virus. So I applied the "Flu Bomb" on the bottoms of my feet and went back to bed. The "Flu Bomb" contains coconut oil, Oil of Oregano, Lemon Oil, and On Guard (a doTERRA oil blend). I also put a drop of Melaleuca oil on my fingertips mixed with a drop of coconut oil and rubbed it behind my ear and down the side of my neck I felt the drainage on. When my alarm went off at 5:50AM I could definitely feel that I was sick. I felt that cloggy feeling in my throat like I slept with my mouth open or something and I felt congested. So I went downstairs and gargled with warm water mixed with the three oils mentioned above. I also put more Melaleuca on my neck again. I also applied the Flu Bomb on the bottom of my feet for the 2nd time in less than 12 hours.
I remembered to take my "Flu Bomb" roller with me to work today and I have been using it consistently every two hours on the bottoms of my feet and also on my lymphnode on the left side of the neck (the drainage side). I've been doing this since 6:00 AM, and it's now 2:20 PM. I don't feel any better than I did this morning, but I also do not feel any worse. I've been drinking a TON of water, in fact I think I drank almost double than what I do on an average day. I also had Peach Green Tea. I'm going to continue with this treatment for the rest of the day into the night and again tomorrow. I'll check back in tomorrow to track my progress. I have faith in these oils and I'm hoping so badly that this treatment is enough to stop this cold/virus in it's tracks. Cuz AIN'T NO BODY GOT TIME TO GET SICK YA HEARD??
I'm giving this treatment 3 days. If I don't feel better by Wednesday I'll unfortunately have to make a doctors appoinment and most likely be put on antibiotics. Hoping for the best.
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