Monday, January 30, 2012

My Life in a (pea)Nutshell

I wanted to start up this blog to record my life...I want to be able to look back and remind myself of where I've been and just how far I've come. And hopefully inspire anyone on the way to do the same

I have to start somewhere...and I guess I should start by telling you what a whirlwind of a life I've been leading for the past two years.

For one, I got married on the last day of the year in 2010. I am one of those lucky girls that married her best friend. That sounds ridiculously cliche but it is beyond true for me. My husband, Cris, is full of energy and always keeps me on my toes. I love that about him, he honestly makes me laugh every single day. Its a blessing to be married to someone that can do that, laughter keeps us young and happy.

So, after tied the knot I made the big mistake of telling everyone that we wanted to have babies right away. Because since then, I think more often than not, people are probably wondering why we haven't gotten pregnant yet. The answer is that I haven't got the slightest clue. And yes, we are still trying. And yes it's beyond frustrating. I can't lie, it stings a little each time I hear someone else is pregnant, but I'm slowly getting out of that phase now that almost everyone I know has either one or two kids...or is currently pregnant. Cris and I have kept our faith that one day we will be blessed with a little one of our own. So until that happens we will continue to pray for those that also struggle to have a baby and hope we are in their prayers as well.

So earlier in 2011 I had a bright idea that I wanted to go to cosmetology wasn't what I thought it would be and I ended up withdrawing after eight LONG months. Although I enjoyed certain aspects of school I absolutely hated how much time it took away from my life. I work full time, so when I would get home from my job I would have one hour to eat, change, and get the dogs fed. I never missed home so much in my life. I spoke to a lot of stylists about my path and they gave me a lot of great advice. Needless to say I quit school and truly have never been happier. I feel so focused on where I want my life to head now and I feel like I am seeing clearly for the first time in a long time. I'm so grateful for my new found time.

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