Monday, November 26, 2012

Fertilaid Discount Code

You can receive 10% off your total purchase at by entering the word FACEBOOK in the discount/promo code field. Enjoy!


  1. Hi are you today? My name is Pamela :) I have recently found your TTC videos on you tube. Well I guess you can imagine why. My husband and I are TTC also and I have PCOS. We have stared our journey at the Reproductive Associates of Delaware and and so far it's been going well. I used to watch tutorials on youtube of everything haha and one day I was searching to know how the HSG tests were like, that was when I came across your channel. I relate a lot with your story. I'm also a doggy mommy and I totally understand how you felt when your baby girl was in the hospital because I lost one last year and it was the hardest situation I ever had to go through, and I have my Molly girl (yellow lab) now she is also my BFF...not only that...ALL my friends are getting pregnant and I'm not. I feel happy for them but deep down I feel sad that it's been harder for me to achieve this dream. I fell a little bit alone because none of them know how hard it really is. My husband is my best friend and he is 100% on board and he wants it as much as i do. But sometimes it is just good to have somebody that is living the same situation you are going through to talk to. Your HSG video made me feel more confident and gave me strenght to keep going. I came to your blog because I didn't really wanna write all that on your video. I felt like it was a little more privet (if that makes any sense)! I hope to hear from you. God bless you!!! Never Quit...
    Pam :)

    1. Hi Pam! Thank you so much for reaching out to me! I sent you a message to your YouTube account. I look forward to talking to you. xxoo
