Monday, October 13, 2014

Tis the season...

     As a new mom you don't realize how scared and sad you could be when your baby is sick.  Then it hits...the first real fever.  It's terrifying.  Especially with all the shit going around right now that is actually KILLING people.  The enterovirus, the flu, EBOLA for Pete's sake!  I know I'm not the only mom worried about what is going around these days, especially because all these horrible things start out with "cold symptoms."  Great.  So first sign of the sniffles puts you on high alert. 

     I can't tell you how much of a freak I am about washing my hands, sanitizing my doorknobs, remotes, handles, cell phone, etc.  If you lived with me, it's enough to drive you up a wall.  Yes, you could call me a germaphobe.  However, I wish people were more type A about washing their hands and hand sanitizing, and cleaning surfaces and toys. 
     All I wanted to say was that in this world, when your baby is sick, it's not just the stress of him/her not feeling well anymore.  Now there is a fear so thick in your veins that something serious and deadly could have been contracted. 

    Can I just be inappropriate for a second and say, stop being lazy and go wash your hands, and teach your kids to wash their dirty grubby little fingers PROPERLY!  Not just running their hands under water for 10 seconds.  Every day when Landry gets home from daycare we wash his hands under warm water for 20 seconds.  Same with us as parents, every time we enter our home the first thing we do is wash our hands before we do anything else.  Get into that habit!  And stop sending your sick kids to daycare...JERKS!  Ugh!  Thanks for letting me vent!



  1. Amen! I am in nursing school and I am becoming a germ phobe!!! It is the smallest gesture yet most people don't take that 20 seconds!

    1. It is scary when you think about how easily things can be spread! Congrats on nursing school!!!
