Monday, September 30, 2013

Will We Have A Boy or Girl?

Old Wives Tales About Baby Gender

* If your husband gains weight, you will be having a girl. If he doesn't gain weight, 
you'll be having a boy.

Answer: Boy

* Pregnancy has you looking better than ever if it’s a boy. You don't look quite as good 
as normal during pregnancy if it’s a girl.
Answer: Boy - besides my skin being dry through the first trimester, I'm starting 
to feel the prettiest I ever have!  I love being pregnant!

*Some myths propose that if you are craving sweets during your pregnancy, you are 
having a girl. If you are craving spicy and salty foods, then you are having a boy.
Answer: Boy - salty all the way!

*Some say if the woman’s belly is big and round it means that she is carrying a girl. 
Likewise, if her belly is smaller and sticking straight out than she is carrying a boy. 
Answer: Boy?  I'm BARELY showing at all.  My bump is teeny tiny.

* If you are having a boy, you would not have as much morning sickness as you would if 
you were having a girl.

Answer: Boy - out of the first trimester and I haven't been sick once.  
However, around 12 weeks I started to feel nauseated at night again...not loving 
that but, whatever, if baby is healthy I don't care!

*The same as you last pregnancy= same gender, different- different gender.
Answer: This is my first pregnancy so....

*Some people believe that if your baby has a fast heart rate, near 170 beats per minute, 
then that means you are having a girl, and that if your baby’s heart rate is closer to 150 
beats per minute then you are having a boy. 
Answer: Girl - baby has had a high heart rate from the beginning

* The Chinese use numbers to determine the sex of your baby. They take the mothers age 
at conception and the month of conception. 
Answer: Boy -  I was 31 and conceived in is a link to the chart I used

* Many believe that if you have an increased amount of acne during pregnancy then it 
means you are having a baby girl.
Answer: Boy - not really acne, just dry skin

*If your previous child's hairline at the neck comes to a point then it is a different 
gender, straight line is the same gender.
Answer: No previous child...

That makes for 7 points for BOY and only 1 point for GIRL
We'll find out November 18th, 2013


  1. YAY! Maybe you will really get your baby boy!!!

    1. It's so crazy to think that in a few more weeks, we'll know! So excited! <3
