Thursday, July 25, 2013

Walk by Faith...Not by Sight.

     It's been a week since we put our little embryo in!  Emotionally, I straddle the line of nervousness and excitement.  One second I think, "I'm afraid to be sad again"...the next second I think, "don't let your past define your future, just because nothing worked before doesn't mean this isn't going to either."  It's a constant battle I have going on in my head.  I keep telling myself, "I'm pregnant...I'm pregnant...I'm pregnant" hopes that my body believes my brain. I also tell myself that there is nothing to fear, because God is with me.   Sometimes I forget that and my emotions creep up on me.  Once I remind myself that I should fear nothing, I feel calm and more at ease while I wait this out.  Physically, I really don't feel any different.  I think that is what is freaking me out the most.  I guess in my head I always thought I would know when I was pregnant before I had proof.  You always hear about women and their DPO (days past ovulation) symptoms.  And, well, I don't have any of them.  I don't have sore boobs, I don't have implantation bleeding, I don't have break outs, I don't have twinges.  So I don't know how to take that.  Anyone I tell that to says, "just relax, I didn't feel pregnant for weeks!".  So I still have hope.  If there is anything physical I feel, it's that my uterus (or the area I believe my uterus to be in) at times feels full.  And I honestly think that is due to the estrodial injection I'm on twice weekly.
     I'm choosing to walk by faith and not by sight.  I do not need to physically see or feel anything to be pregnant.  All I truly need to do is keep my trust in the Lord that no matter how the end of this turns out, that God has a plan for me.  That's all I need to know.  I pray that His plan involves us conceiving and carrying a healthy baby to full term, blessing me with a family of my own.  But I trust that no matter what, His plan is better than anything I can even dream of.  I think we all, as humans, need to be reminded of that every single day.  Stop worrying about things that are out of our control.  What a waste of time and energy.  Instead, trust God. <3

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